Monday, June 24, 2013

Our marriage turned one!

Since we were out of the country last week, I was unable to proclaim my love for my handsome husband via social media on our very first wedding anniversary! So here goes....

Aaron is truly a gem. He has the biggest heart and will do anything to help someone else out. Hes gorgeous, funny, intelligent, and he can fix or make anything he sets his mind to. Aaron couldn't sit still and relax to save his life. Whether its mowing perfect stripes in our tiny yard, working on a custom project inside the house, or helping out a neighbor, the guy seriously doesn't take a break. And while his overly active disposition tends to wear me out at times, I know every other wife in the world wishes their husband was like that so I feel lucky. 

Aaron is my best friend. He is the first and last person I want to see each day. When I'm anxious or stressed (which I tend to be a lot), he brings me back to reality and reminds me whats important. He has encouraged me to go after things and accomplish things that I probably wouldn't have been brave enough to without his reasoning. I honestly believe I could not have found a more perfect person to spend my life with. 

I can't believe it has been over a year since we married. I wish it was possible to re-experience memories because that day was perfect. 

I look forward to all of the adventures we have ahead of us in the future. Oh, the places we'll go... :) 

Happy Anniversary, Aaron!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Carnival Dream Family Vacation

We had a great time on our anniversary cruise! We just got back home today.
Our first stop was the Bahamas. The water was beautiful and we had a blast at the beach. Aaron and I tested out our new snorkel gear and I got a chance to use my new underwater camera. Bryce had fun burying Aaron in the sand. That night we celebrated Mammaw and Pappaw's 50th anniversary at dinner.

The next day was a "day at sea." It was also mine and Aaron's one year anniversary. We relaxed by the pool all morning and around lunch Aaron surprised me by telling me I needed to head to the Cloud 9 Spa on board the ship for a massage and facial.  It was awesome! He also got me a silver monogram necklace and had the cabin steward decorate our room.  sweetness :)
The next day we arrived in St. Thomas. We booked an excursion to go snorkeling at Trunk Bay on St. John.  Trunk Bay has been voted the world's most beautiful beach by National Geographic several times.  I went there on my very first cruise almost 10 years ago and I was very excited for Aaron to see it. Here are some pictures from the snorkeling:

Our last stop was St. Marten.  Carnival's Dream studios took professional pictures of our family at this stop.  They turned out great. After that, we did some shopping! I have always wanted a Tacori ring and mom helped me score a great deal on one while we were there. These are some of my favorite pictures from the Dream studios shoot. 


Thursday, June 13, 2013

50th Anniversary Party

I’ve decided to start blogging again! (& share pictures with family who do not have Facebook)

This past weekend, my mom, aunt and I threw a surprise 50th anniversary party for my grandparents.  We’ve had a lot of great parties but this one, in my opinion, was the best!  My grandparents devote a lot of time to other people and it was so nice to do something special for them.

The party was held at the College Café in Maysville, KY.  This adorable restaurant is connected to the Maysville Community and Technical College’s culinary school, which my grandfather pioneered.  We ended up having to tell the guests of honor about the party the night before so they would have time to cancel their Saturday plans and pick out what to wear.  They were completely surprised….which really surprised us considering literally hundreds of people had been invited.

There were lots of surprises in store for my grandparents the day of the party - including... A police escort to the event, a lifesize print of one of their wedding photos on display in the restaurant, a 6 tier cupcake display, unexpected family and friends showing up, a special gift from the college, etc...

I also created a video slideshow that was shown during the party; it included pictures from the day they got married and many more from the following 50 years.  We ended our night by sitting down to watch this as a family at my grandparent’s house.  My favorite part about the night was when a close up picture of my Mammaw in her wedding dress came on the screen.  My Pappaw said “She looked like an angel.” & he was right!

I can’t wait to celebrate their actual anniversary this weekend on the Carnival Dream!

The happy couple... Today and 50 years ago!
The College Cafe was the perfect place for the party!
Brad and Z-man
Party decor
A sign made by my sister, kelsey!
We had a lot of fun decorating!
The party planners!
MCTC presenting my grandparents with a very sweet gift... A chef prepared meal in their home for them and four of their friends
Me and my soon to be hubby of one whole year!